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On Monday night I decided to break out my new Christmas present. An instant pot. I thought that it would be a great idea to cook 15 bean soup in it. I have cooked this numerous times before on the stove or in a slow cooker but this was our first time having it in an instant pot. I was so excited and noticed that it cooked super fast and tasted different. It tasted so much better. It smelled amazing and had all this flavor. I was so curious and fascinated. I was really amazed at how fast it cooked. I asked my husband because I was so worried that somehow it was changing the molecular structure of our food. Did it work like a microwave etc? My husband explained to me that it was just the heat and pressure that helped it cook. He said, “Catharyn, what do you think happens to things when they get put under pressure?” That got me thinking. Fast forward to later this week. This was the analogy that God used to help me understand. Here we are as God’s people feeling a bit of pressure. Sometimes, it is when we as God’s people are put under pressure that we will release an aroma, a flavor that represents Jesus. God is God. He is on His throne and He is in control. He can do and use anything He chooses. What if this is God’s way of waking up His people to action? What if this is His way of spreading the gospel? We have been given and blessed with this amazing opportunity to participate in the sharing of Jesus, who He is, what He did and His love for all people. Jesus is our only hope. It is not found in anything of this world. Let it be known through our faith, hope, love and action.